Ant Buster & Grub Buster Nematodes

Ant Buster & Grub Buster Nematodes

Say NO to ants & grubs in your lawn and garden beds this summer! Plus, NO chemicals! It's a win win. Just one application will keep ants out of your lawn and garden for the season.

Ant Buster & Grub Buster Nematodes

Say NO to ants & grubs in your lawn and garden beds this summer! Plus, NO chemicals! It's a win win. Just one application will keep ants out of your lawn and garden for the season.



  • Apply to lawns and gardens to control soil-dwelling ants.
  • Beneficial nematodes can be applied anytime during the year while ants are present.
  • Nematodes are a natural predator of ants and they will kill the larvae and repel adults from building new nests in treated areas.
  • Nematodes are not harmful to earthworms, ladybugs, animals, etc.


  • Use in the evening or on a cloudy day. Nematodes are very susceptible to UV light!
  • Always apply to moist lawn. Nematodes will not work on dry soil. Make sure to water your lawn before applying.
  • Dilute with water using Nematode Sprayer (directions on sprayer) and apply immediately over affected area.
  • Water the area again and keep soil moist for 3 days or at least a week in dry weather. This is crucial!



  • Apply to lawns and gardens to control soil-dwelling grubs, sod webworms, onion maggots, and other pests.
  • Beneficial nematodes can be applied during the year while larva are present. Typically the spring (May-June) and later (August-September)
  • Nematodes will reproduce creating an army that continues the cycle of total grub annihilation!
  • Nematodes are not harmful to earthworms, ladybugs, animals, etc.


  • Use in the evening or on a cloudy day. Nematodes are very susceptible to UV light!
  • Always apply to moist soil or lawn. Nematodes will not work on dry soil. Make sure to water your lawn before applying.
  • Dilute with water using Nematode Sprayer (directions on sprayer) and apply immediately over affected area.
  • Water the area again and keep soil moist for 3 days or at least a week in dry weather. This is crucial!

Ant Buster & Grub Buster Nematodes


Ant Buster & Grub Buster Nematodes

Say NO to ants & grubs in your lawn and garden beds this summer! Plus, NO chemicals! It's a win win. Just one application will keep ants out of your lawn and garden for the season.

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