Maple Bugs: What are they and How to get rid of them.

What they are and how to identify them:


Maple bug - also known as the box elder bug - is a little black beetle with red detailing on the back of it. The lay their eggs generally on maple tree leaves in the early spring and they hatch in the fall. Hence the nickname “Maple bug” and have also been known it to lay their eggs within the soil of our gardens and then come in the fall season dig their way out and grace us with their presence. These little nuisances love warm spots! It’s why they’re most commonly found on your fences, in your gardens as well as trickling into your house essentially, they are just looking for a place to avoid the cold.


Are they harmful to my plants/garden:


A commonly asked question that we do get is “are they going to hurt my plants or my garden?” The answer is no. They’re not looking to munch on any leaves or cause any sort of damage to our plants, these guys just want to get inside away from the cold. Trust us when we say your plants and garden will survive.


How to get rid of Maple Bugs:


All right, time to talk about how to get rid of these pesky little beetles. There are a few options that you can do here so let’s work through them together!

1.    Diatomaceous earth: you can use this in the spring by sprinkling it on your garden soil so that come fall when the eggs start to hatch and they start to crawl up from the soil this will stop them from going any further. Like a nice get yourself ahead of the game strategy!

2.    Bug X Out or Spider Ban: you can spray either of these products on your edges of your house, any crevices, doorways or windows.We recommend that you spray either early morning or in the evening. Try to avoid high peak sun times as the sun can cause staining with the solution. Either of those solutions should get rid of those pesky little things for you.


There you have it! We’ve got everything you’ll need to keep your home and garden Maple Bug free throughout the seasons! Come on down to the store to get your supplies and chat with our experts or visit us online!

Maple Bugs: What are they and How to get rid of them.

Well, the autumn season is upon us and as much as we love the colour changing leaves, pumpkin spice, and everything nice, what we DON’T love is Maple Bugs. Let us walk you through what they are and how to get rid of them!

Maple Bugs: What are they and How to get rid of them.

Well, the autumn season is upon us and as much as we love the colour changing leaves, pumpkin spice, and everything nice, what we DON’T love is Maple Bugs. Let us walk you through what they are and how to get rid of them!

What they are and how to identify them:


Maple bug - also known as the box elder bug - is a little black beetle with red detailing on the back of it. The lay their eggs generally on maple tree leaves in the early spring and they hatch in the fall. Hence the nickname “Maple bug” and have also been known it to lay their eggs within the soil of our gardens and then come in the fall season dig their way out and grace us with their presence. These little nuisances love warm spots! It’s why they’re most commonly found on your fences, in your gardens as well as trickling into your house essentially, they are just looking for a place to avoid the cold.


Are they harmful to my plants/garden:


A commonly asked question that we do get is “are they going to hurt my plants or my garden?” The answer is no. They’re not looking to munch on any leaves or cause any sort of damage to our plants, these guys just want to get inside away from the cold. Trust us when we say your plants and garden will survive.


How to get rid of Maple Bugs:


All right, time to talk about how to get rid of these pesky little beetles. There are a few options that you can do here so let’s work through them together!

1.    Diatomaceous earth: you can use this in the spring by sprinkling it on your garden soil so that come fall when the eggs start to hatch and they start to crawl up from the soil this will stop them from going any further. Like a nice get yourself ahead of the game strategy!

2.    Bug X Out or Spider Ban: you can spray either of these products on your edges of your house, any crevices, doorways or windows.We recommend that you spray either early morning or in the evening. Try to avoid high peak sun times as the sun can cause staining with the solution. Either of those solutions should get rid of those pesky little things for you.


There you have it! We’ve got everything you’ll need to keep your home and garden Maple Bug free throughout the seasons! Come on down to the store to get your supplies and chat with our experts or visit us online!

Maple Bugs: What are they and How to get rid of them.


Maple Bugs: What are they and How to get rid of them.

Well, the autumn season is upon us and as much as we love the colour changing leaves, pumpkin spice, and everything nice, what we DON’T love is Maple Bugs. Let us walk you through what they are and how to get rid of them!

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